How did Laura and Irek meet

Laura and Irek went to Great Britain around 2006. Like hundreds of thousands of other Poles, they went there in search of happiness, mainly financial, but also the ordinary life kind. For several years, it was difficult for them to find themselves in a foreign country, slowly getting to know the culture and customs. In the meantime, the problem of loneliness arose, which increasingly plagued them. They had so many friends, family in Poland, and here only work - home, home - work. One day they decided to take matters into their own hands. Friends mentioned our portal to them, they decided to give it a try, although they were not convinced about online dating. The end of this dating story comes at the beginning of 2009. Guess what happened next? We received an email from Laura with photos (which she allowed us to post on the website - for which, once again, we thank her warmly), with the following content: "Thanks to your portal, in just 5 months I am getting married!!!! Thank you very much and congratulations to you too!!!!! thank you very much!!!!!!".